sakura2024年 12月15日 偶然、発見 💡💡 ファミリーが銀座 【 に志かわ 】 のパンは美味しいよ❗️と言いましたので パンを求めて来店❗️ 素敵なカフェもあり、パンは日曜日はこちらのカフェにての販売と❗️ 朝...2024年 12月15日
偶然、発見 💡💡
ファミリーが銀座 【 に志かわ 】 のパンは美味しいよ❗️と言いましたので パンを求めて来店❗️
朝のモーニングもいただきます 😊
バカラのグラスに入りましたお水、呼び鈴がまた素敵 💓、、、グラスを落とさないように気をつけます😆
モーニングはドリンク料金で、に志かわさんの厚いトーストがサービスについてくるそうです (^-^)
お持ちいただく間に お店を見ていますと、素敵なインテリア❗️
幾つになりましても優しく、可愛い色合いのインテリアは好きですね 😄
トレーに乗せられましたコーヒーとトースト 🍞、、、美味しいです❗️
まったりとしましたトーストは 手で裂きますと柔らかくもっちりとしていますがキレもいいです 😂
味も良いですね〜、、、朝食を自宅でいただきましたのにペロッとお腹に入ります (o^^o)
コーヒーは 有機栽培のディカフェがありましたのでそちらを注文❗️
ロイヤル アルバートのカップです❗️、、、こちらも好きです❤️
素敵な時間を過ごせましたね 👍👍 ごちそうさまでした 😋
近日中にまたお邪魔しますね 🎵
(Translated by Google)
December 15, 2024
Accidentally discovered 💡💡
My family said that the bread at Ginza [Nishikawa] was delicious ❗️ so we came to the store for some bread ❗️
There is also a nice cafe, and bread is sold at this cafe on Sundays ❗️
We also have breakfast in the morning 😊
The water in the Baccarat glass and the doorbell are so nice 💓... Be careful not to drop the glass 😆
In the morning, you pay for a drink and Nishikawa's thick toast comes with the service (^-^)
While I was picking it up, I looked at the store and saw the wonderful interior ❗️
No matter how old you are, I like the interior design with its gentle and cute colors 😄
Coffee and toast served on a tray 🍞... Delicious ❗️
The toast is soft and chewy when you tear it apart with your hands, but it also has a nice crunch 😂
It tastes good too... Even though I had breakfast at home, it still filled my stomach (o^^o)
For coffee, there was an organically grown decaf, so I ordered that❗️
It's a Royal Albert cup ❗️,,, I like it too ❤️
We had a wonderful time 👍👍 Thank you for the meal 😋
I'll visit you again soon 🎵 -
Miko Sakai美味しいフルーツパフェが食べたくてこのお店をセレクト☝🏻 季節のフルーツをふんだんに使ったパフェの種類がとっても多くてどれにしようか迷っちゃう😆 やっぱり桃の季節だから、桃をセレクト🍑 丸ごと1個使われた...美味しいフルーツパフェが食べたくてこのお店をセレクト☝🏻
(Translated by Google)
I chose this restaurant because I wanted to eat delicious fruit parfait ☝🏻
There are so many types of parfaits that use plenty of seasonal fruits that it's hard to decide which one to choose.
It's peach season after all, so choose peaches🍑
The whole peach was super sweet and delicious~❤️
I want to try the mango parfait next time❣️ -
Hill Daleオープンからパフェをオーダーできる✨オシャレなカフェレストラン ‘24/8月 ◆桃パフェ¥2,160 『Made in TSUBAME』のカトラリー🍽️照明でキラキラ輝いてパフェを待っている最中も期待ふくらみます😊 パフェは開店から...オープンからパフェをオーダーできる✨オシャレなカフェレストラン
『Made in TSUBAME』のカトラリー🍽️照明でキラキラ輝いてパフェを待っている最中も期待ふくらみます😊
(Translated by Google)
A stylish cafe restaurant where you can order parfait from the moment it opens.
◆Peach parfait ¥2,160
"Made in TSUBAME" cutlery🍽️The lights sparkle and make you feel excited while waiting for your parfait😊
It seems like you can order the parfait from the time the store opens, so I visited in the morning and ordered right away🔔(←You really need to ring this bell to order)
The inside of the store is very stylish ✨ The dark wood partition and light colored sofa have a calm atmosphere 🛋️ It feels perfect for a date ❤️
I thought that the mouth of the cold glass was somewhat thin, and it said "Baccarat"🥃✨
The peach parfait that arrived was amazing! ️A whole peach is placed in a parfait glass 🍑✨ Don't worry if you are wondering how to eat it. There is a serving plate, so transfer the peach to the serving plate and start eating calmly ☺️
I cut the peach with a knife and dipped it in the mascarpone cream and yogurt ice cream in the parfait glass 😋 As expected from a whole peach, it was very juicy 🍑💦 So happy 🥰
As I continued to eat it, there was white wine jelly at the bottom, which was even more delicious ✨ When I mixed it with the cream, the mellow wine taste and aroma was amazing 🍷
There are three cubes of rusk on the bottom plate of the parfait glass.These were also dipped in the parfait cream.
Even after I finished eating, I felt happy ☺️ It was a parfait that I would like to eat again 🍑✨ -
だんご●キッシュプレートランチ1,380円(2024.04.28) ●ボロネーゼランチ1,580円(2024.04.28) ●苺シェイク&モーニングセット600円(2024.05.06) ●メロンシェイク&モーニングセット700円(2024.05.06) (Translated by Go...●キッシュプレートランチ1,380円(2024.04.28)
(Translated by Google)
●Quish plate lunch 1,380 yen (2024.04.28)
●Bolognese lunch 1,580 yen (2024.04.28)
●Strawberry shake & morning set 600 yen (2024.05.06)
●Melon shake & morning set 700 yen (2024.05.06) -
服部聖人雰囲気、パフェ、食材の質 ともに最高レベルです😀 ちょっとした贅沢に是非!!!! 健康的にもなれる上品な一品が食べれます。 ちなみに、呼び鈴、お水のグラス、ナイフやフォーク、至る所細部まで最高級品が揃...雰囲気、パフェ、食材の質
(Translated by Google)
Atmosphere, parfait, quality of ingredients
Both are at the highest level 😀
Come enjoy a little luxury! ! ! !
You can eat an elegant dish that is also healthy.
By the way, the doorbell, water glasses, knives and forks, and every detail is of the highest quality! Too dangerous!
A cafe that is perfect for entertaining guests. -
shiro toy poodle・ cherir 東山 愛知県あま市坂牧大塚72-1 Mirei Bill(ミレイビル)1F あま市には珍しいオシャレなビルの1階にあるパフェ専門店。 お店の入り口はビルの裏口にあります。 お店の看板には高級フルーツパフェと記...・
cherir 東山
Mirei Bill(ミレイビル)1F
チョコバナナパフェ 1210円(税込)
セットのコーヒー +300円
プレミアムいちごパフェ 1980円
(Translated by Google)
cherir higashiyama
72-1 Sakamaki Otsuka, Ama City, Aichi Prefecture
Mirei Bill 1F
A parfait specialty store located on the first floor of a stylish building that is rare in Ama City.
The store entrance is at the back entrance of the building.
The store's signboard says it's a high-quality fruit parfait, but all of the items are priced lower than parfait specialty stores near Nagoya Station or in Sakae.
Baby OK
Strollers are OK, but there are stairs at the entrance of the store.
When you enter the store, you will find a Tiffany sofa and a large Baccarat beckoning cat.
The simple and elegant interior also has a nice feel.
Chocolate banana parfait 1,210 yen (tax included)
Set coffee +300 yen
(Delicious parfait with good chocolate taste. The coffee cup is a Royal Albert tea cup and has a luxurious feel.)
Premium strawberry parfait 1980 yen
(The strawberries are delicious with a good balance of sweetness and sourness! The pistachio ice cream is also quite tasty.)
The baby was very happy eating strawberries.
The customer service was good and I had a relaxing stay.
It seems that they also serve lunch, so I would like to go there during lunch time as well.
Thank you for the meal. -
アイここ本当に甚目寺…?というような、 店内は凄く華やかな空間でした。 作業服で入店するような場所では無かった汗 コップはバカラだし、 ティーセットはボーンチャイナ。 カトラリーは日本製の刻印が 刻まれている...ここ本当に甚目寺…?というような、
(Translated by Google)
Is this really Jinmeji...? Something like,
The inside of the store was a gorgeous space.
Sweat that wasn't the kind of place you'd enter in work clothes.
The cup is baccarat,
The tea set is made of bone china.
The cutlery is stamped as made in Japan.
All of them have unique carved shapes.
The food was very delicious, the customer service,
The performance was also great.
Next time I’ll get more fashionable (。>﹏<) -
中島晴彦2023.11/26…初めて「ニシカワ」を訪れた際、隣のカフェの存在に気づく。 あちらは、ブーランジェリーとしては2種類の食パムのみで、いささか 意気消沈した直後。 まだ10:00を過ぎたばかりで、モーニングタイムの...2023.11/26…初めて「ニシカワ」を訪れた際、隣のカフェの存在に気づく。
あちらは、ブーランジェリーとしては2種類の食パムのみで、いささか 意気消沈した直後。
まだ10:00を過ぎたばかりで、モーニングタイムの筈 故、入口の看板の社員マスカットパフェは、ダメ元で訊いてみる。
すると、終日OKらしいので 欣喜雀躍。
念の為 メニューブックをチェック。
すると、他にも 長野パーポーだかピオーネのパフェ等、フルーツの枚挙に いとまがない。
次回 帰省時、強い再来の思いが 早くも・・。
メイン目当ては 社員マスカットのパフェ。
時季的に 遅きに失したかも、の覚悟と共に。
結果的には まだ有るものの、クラウンメロンのパフェが有り、其の稀少性 故に セレクト。
2024.1/4…今日営業しているか TELで確認の上、自宅への途中、新年 初来訪。
私にとっては、此の店で 初の苺パフェを満喫。
忽ち、食べたい強い思いを 心に宿しながらの、
真っ先に 思ひ浮かんだ、半年ぶりの此の店。
例によって 迷った挙げ句、抹茶パフェに。
サンプルでは、苦手気味な小豆は 餡ではない。
又、昨日のパチスリー&カフェだったかみたいに、ケーキ生地の彼方此方に 散りばめられている訳ではなく、予めの ほじくり回しは不要。
数粒が 1ヶ所に まとまっている。
同じく あまり好きではない栗 共々、最初に いっぺんに食べれば、後はステキなパフェ♥。
結果的には、" 抹茶スウィーツに始まり、抹茶スウィーツで終わった6月 " 也(笑)。
しかも 実に(よく憶へてないけど)30日中27日、抹茶スウィーツを口にすると云ふ・・。
(Translated by Google)
2023.11/26…When I visited “Nishikawa” for the first time, I noticed the existence of a cafe next door.
Over there, the boulangerie only had two types of bread, and I was feeling a little depressed.
It was just past 10:00, so it was supposed to be morning time, so I decided to ask about the employee muscat parfait on the signboard at the entrance.
Then, it seemed like it was open all day, so I was excited.
Just to be sure, check the menu book.
There are so many other fruits to choose from, such as Nagano Parpaw and Pione Parfait.
In the end, I chose La France's parfait, which I had never had at any other restaurant.
While eating, due to his inherent clumsiness, he drops his precious La France on the floor and (just like his behavior at other restaurants), he stares at it with regret.
The next time I return home, I already have a strong feeling of coming back...
12/10...On the way from my parents' house to my home in Komaki, I came back.
The main objective is the employee muscat parfait.
With the determination that it may be too late for the season.
As a result, although it is still available, there is a crown melon parfait, and I selected it because of its rarity.
Enjoying a parfait at a cafe is today's de facto breakfast.
2024.1/4…I checked by phone to see if they were open today, and on my way home, I visited for the first time in the new year.
For me, I enjoyed my first strawberry parfait at this restaurant.
6/30...The Sunday edition of Chunichi Shimbun features a parfait feature.
Suddenly, I had a strong desire to eat in my heart.
Driving back from my parents' house.
The first thing that came to my mind was this store, which I hadn't visited in half a year.
As usual, after some hesitation, I decided on the matcha parfait.
In the sample, the azuki beans that I don't like are not bean paste.
Also, like yesterday's pachiserie and cafe, it is not scattered all over the cake batter, so there is no need to pick it up in advance.
Several grains are gathered in one place.
Similarly, if you eat both the chestnuts, which I don't really like, at the same time, you'll have a wonderful parfait♥.
While sipping tea and writing this review, I enjoyed a parfait at the cafe.
In the end, "June started with matcha sweets and ended with matcha sweets" (lol).
Moreover, (although I don't remember well), I would eat matcha sweets on the 27th out of the 30th...
Thank you for the treat. -
石田夏美静かで季節のパフェを食べて来ました、夏はかき氷🍧をたべました。めっちゃ美味しかったですよー😋 (Translated by Google) I went here to eat a quiet seasonal parfait, and in the summer I had shaved ice🍧. ...静かで季節のパフェを食べて来ました、夏はかき氷🍧をたべました。めっちゃ美味しかったですよー😋
(Translated by Google)
I went here to eat a quiet seasonal parfait, and in the summer I had shaved ice🍧. It was really delicious 😋 -
ヨボよぼ塩キャラメルのかき氷とさつまいものパフェ頂きました とても美味しかったです(*´ч`*) 綺麗でゴージャスなお店で優雅に過ごせましたꈍ .̮ ꈍ ご馳走様でした (Translated by Google) I had salted caramel shav...塩キャラメルのかき氷とさつまいものパフェ頂きました
綺麗でゴージャスなお店で優雅に過ごせましたꈍ .̮ ꈍ
(Translated by Google)
I had salted caramel shaved ice and sweet potato parfait.
It was very delicious (*´ч`*)
I had an elegant time in a beautiful and gorgeous shop ꈍ .̮ ꈍ
Thank you for the meal. -
宇治金時モーニングの時間帯にお伺いしました。 こちらの通りは良く走ってましたが、ポスティングチラシで初めて存在を知りました。 出されるお冷のグラスがバカラだそうで、庶民な私にはそれだけでお冷が美味しく感じま...モーニングの時間帯にお伺いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited during morning hours.
I used to drive along this street often, but I only learned of its existence from a posted flyer.
Apparently the cold glass they serve is Baccarat, and for me, as a commoner, that alone makes the cold taste delicious.
The interior decoration has an elegant taste that seems to appeal to women.
For the morning toast that comes with your drink, you can choose the thickness of the bread from Nishikawa, a shop next door. I did it ♡)
I don't know if the staff were not used to it yet or if they were just clumsy, but there were some terrible mistakes, so I'm going to deduct one star for the service.
What is it? There is an atmosphere that makes me feel like this is a rich person's hobby, but I think it's a good shop even if you ignore my prejudices (*´罒`*)
I think I'll visit you again♪ -
ほりシャインマスカットのパフェを頂きました。 大粒のマスカットがたくさんのっていてとても豪華なパフェでした! 中のアイスやクッキー、ゼリーなども全て手作りで拘って作っているようで、とても美味しかったです...シャインマスカットのパフェを頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I had the Shine Muscat parfait.
It was a very luxurious parfait with lots of large muscats on top!
The ice cream, cookies, and jelly inside were all made by hand and were very delicious!
The fruit parfait seems to change depending on the season,
They also have fruit sandwiches and shaved ice, so I would like to visit again (*^^*)